Circles of sobriety:

Mastering your recovery with the complete circle plan

Get rid of ambiguity in your recovery.

Finally, know where you are in sobriety and what that means and looks like to you.

The best way to create a sustainable circle-plan.

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Inside my newest eBook, you'll discover:

What sobriety means to you (red zone).

Where your problem areas are, and what triggers them (yellow zone).

What you need to add into your recovery (green zone).

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Duane and Eric are gifts in this community. The work they do with addicted minds and depression is exceptional. This ebook is all about getting you the answers you need without eating up your time. They have stripped away all the extra stuff, so you can breeze through it in just a few minutes. But don't let its short length fool you—this book is packed with powerful answers

Paul R
World Class Coach

What Our Customers Say

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Duane and Eric are gifts in this community. The work they do with addicted minds and depression is exceptional. This ebook is all about getting you the answers you need without eating up your time. They have stripped away all the extra stuff, so you can breeze through it in just a few minutes. But don't let its short length fool you—this book is packed with powerful answers

Paul Reddick

World Class Coach

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Get It Done With The Three-Circle Plan Videos!

Feeling overwhelmed about creating the Three-Circle Plan in your recovery?

We know this can be overwhelming that is why we created a simple, easy to watch videos that will help you create the best circle-plan for you.

Sometimes the hardest part is getting started. These videos will point you in the right direction and help you through the most common roadblock to getting started.

Great job on making such important steps! But have you ever felt like something was missing?

That's where the Fourth-Circle comes in.

It's all about asking the question:

"How does my recovery impact the people around me that I care about?"

And repairing relationships that have been impacted by the addictive behaviors and betrayal trauma.

Why add a Fourth-Circle "Others"?

Because recovery isn't just about avoiding bad habits—it's also about creating a life full of activities that make you feel proud and happy and relationships are part of that.

Ready to add more to your journey?

Make room for the Fourth Circle and the support videos—it's time to turn your dreams into reality!

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